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Competitive Advantages of PT. Garuda Food, Tbk

Written By thewinners on Monday, May 9, 2011 | 7:54 PM

GarudaFood is food and beverage companies under the group of hoods (hoods Group). Besides GarudaFood, Tudung Group also overshadow SNS Group (PT Sinar Niaga Sejahtera, operating in the business of distribution and logistics), PT Bumi Mekar Tani (BMT, focusing on areas of plantations), PT Nirmala Tirta Agung (NTA, bottled drinking water business branded Mayo ), PT Dairyland Indonesia (DLI, markets branded Prestine milk cans), and Global Solutions Inti (GSI, is engaged in training services, seminars, event-organizer, and management consulting).

GarudaFood Group started from PT Tudung, founded in Pati, Central Java, in 1958 and engaged in the business of tapioca flour. In 1979 PT Tudung renamed PT Tudung Putrajaya (TPJ). The company's founder was the late Darmo Putro, former fighters who chose to pursue the business world after Indonesia became independent nations.In early 1987 TPJ began selling peanut production with Nuts brand Garing Garuda, which was later known as succinct: Nuts Garuda. Kacang Garuda won various awards as follows: Indonesian Customer Satisfaction Award (ICSA) branded nuts category eight times in a row (2000-2007); Superbrands (2003); Top Brand for Kids (2004); Indonesian Best Brand Award (IBBA, 2004 - 2007); Top Brand (2007).At the national level, GarudaFood also perceived positively as one of the food and beverage company's dream. Survey conducted by Frontier and BusinessWeek magazine Indonesia in Jakarta and Surabaya in 2006 and 2007 mention GarudaFood is third in Indonesian Most Admired Company (IMAC). GarudaFood also actively running programs corporate social responsibility (CSR) under the banner GarudaFood Sehati.Business 1.Strategi in Entering the Global MarketplaceGarudafood as a company engaged in the snack food industry has the mission to provide satisfaction to customers by creating products and quality services in accordance with the desired expectations of consumers at home and abroad. Previously established as an Export Division, International Operations Division (IOD) was formed in 2000.In the early establishment of the Garuda Peanut, the total production that can be achieved only 150 tons per year and the resulting product is still one type, namely peanut skin. Not wanting to waste time, Sudhamek Agoeng which is the second generation of company owners make leaps far ahead with the hit the market significantly and increase product quality. He came alone to the field and market their products to remote rural areas to be aware of consumer desire. As a result, their products become more diverse and not just peanut skin again. At the end of 1995, according to research that appears when it is, Garuda Peanut products have won the largest share in Indonesia.And to prepare themselves to enter the global markets the company continues to break through the market by diversifying so that the products were more varied. No longer are many different types of nuts, but already includes biscuits and jelly. Then replaced the company's brand, no longer a Garuda Peanut, but Garudafood. Garudafood Total production has now reached 50,000 tons. It is interesting comparison with the product in 1991 that only 150 tons (333.4-fold increase). Item of products also increased from one item to 68 items, including jellies and biscuits. The number of employees from hundreds of people to 15,400 people. If this amount is added to 18,000 farmers involved in active partnership with them, there are approximately 33,400 people who work for Garudafood product.GarudaFood committed to providing high quality products to customers. GarudaFood always seek improvements to keep satisfying customers. As a result Garudafood successfully obtained the ISO 9002 and Indonesia Customer Satisfaction Award (ICSA) in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005. Overall it is the first step and the challenge to provide the best. We try our best to create a sustainable relationship for each customerAs a dynamic company, Garudafood had long ago entered the international market. Various products have been marketed and well accepted in all parts of the world. Some of them such as the ASEAN countries include Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Brunei Darussalam, Singapore, Hongkong, Taiwan, India, Bangladesh, South Korea, and Timor Leste. European region includes the Netherlands and Germany. Middle East region covers Jordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Palestine and United Arab Emirates. Americas includes the United States, Canada, Guatemala, and Bolivia. Nigeria for the African region. And regional Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.2.Strategi Business To Survive in the Global MarketplaceFurthermore we can see that every business including food and beverage industry must have appropriate business strategy to make the company better able to cope with competition both in domestic and global markets, and grow. One of the important in determining the direction of their business is in determining the Value Discipline (Value Discipline) which should be the choice of the company. As GarudaFood a peanut product diversification in order to maintain profit growth and enterprise.Companies should choose a value discipline that will be used to build corporate image and perception and differentiation strategy at a time is their business. The discipline that value consists of:1.Product Leadership2.Operation Excellence3.Customer IntimacyThe three disciplines of the above is a strategic choice that will determine the future of the company for what was perceived by the customer. Where customers will always remember you as well-known products with competitive prices, or because you are a reliable product innovation or you have a closeness with the customer. It needs to be carefully thought of with deep and strategic discipline where the value is the choice of where to Business Differentiation. Market leaders simply choose One Disciplined Value as differentiation. Although the value of the other discipline must also meet minimum standards of course.Even in the midst of crisis, the business would not want to continue to improve the competitive ability of a company primarily engaged in the global market. That ability was the ability to win business market share or at least maintain market share already owned. From the standpoint of the global market this capability is the appeal (attractiveness) of a product or service that makes global customers choose the products or services among the many options available. As for the elements that influence the attractiveness of that choice from the customer point of view there are four factors:1.Mutu (Quality)2.Harga (Price)3.Penyerahan (Delivery)4.Jasa Service (Service)With these four factors are the quality offered should be commensurate with the expectations of customers in paying the price in terms of added value and delivery on time as agreed and after-sales service (after sales service) quality with no sacrifice that resulted in prices become less competitive, because the efficiency in the calculation of cost of goods is a requirement to be able to present the prices to add value for customers.With the ability to compete, a business can gain competitive advantage (competitive advantage). The process to obtain these advantages is its own struggle especially in the global market does not provide protection. The advantage of this in real situations is to turn the option is known (converting informed choice) into timely action in a way that ensures more than a solution that has been done for more qualified competitors in the market.Competition is the proverbial war. The directors and marketing managers in the era of globalization into an era of total competition. They were entering an era where winning the competition will become increasingly difficult. They are challenged and tested their ability to formulate clear strategies to compete and gain (generate) the capability to compete real and long lasting. Such competition occurs in all industries both manufacturing and services.Compete and succeed in a dynamic global environment means for HR to be innovative is always ready to respond to rapid change. Innovation is not a substitution of hard work but the innovation that is working with smart (work smart not hard work). Entering the era of globalization is needed human resources who always has a vision and mission, do not despair fast, innovative, agile business technology needs, and that is very important is being able to work in teams with a reliable credibility. Credibility was measured on the basis of 6 K: The belief (conviction), Character (character), concern (care), Courage (courage), Peace be (composure), and competency (competence).
1. Motivation and Needs

The motivation of consumers Garudafood formed due to the stimulus or stimuli (hunger or thirst) which will cause a need. These stimuli can come from within oneself, that stimulus occurs because the gap between perceived with what should be felt. Gap is the result of hunger or thirst so that consumers feel the introduction of the need for food and beverages. The introduction needs will cause the pressure to the consumer so that the impulse in himself who commit acts that aim (goal directed behavior). Such actions are no different kinds. First consumers will find information about products from garuda food, brands, or stores that sell products Garudafood. Both consumers may be talking to friends, relatives, or go to the store. Third Garudafood consumers buy products to meet those needs.PT GarudaFood trying to satisfy consumers' physiological needs (food and beverages) by producing various products. The overall aim is to meet the need for food, while kususnya purpose of directing consumers to encourage consumers to consume the product.Products are marketed directed to the target market based on the level of consumer demand. This is done by creating ads that contain messages about consumer needs can be met by these products. An eagle bean ad states as the peanut skin feeling more taste and savory, with no preservatives, no dyes and no cooking oil. Healthy consumed anytime and by anyone. These ads try to touch the basic human needs (nutrients) that is necessary for healthy consumers.
2. PersonalityAccording to the theory of personality (Freud's theory in marketing) that are many ads that use celebrities, models, and artists as commercials. Marketers are here on a woman with minimal clothing in advertising their products. Are not aware of advertisers highlight the sexual elements of the women in these ads, in hopes that consumers will love the ads ririskiky instinctively that contain pictures of scantily clad women pictures or use a memorable word word sensual. Like the eagle atomic peanut ad uses beautiful artist Dewi Persik in its ad that says "This kacangku ..."Kacang Garuda promote skin as a snack for consumers who have a healthy lifestyle, with no preservatives, no dyes and no cooking oil. Healthy consumed anytime and by anyone.
3. Information Processing and Consumer PerceptionsProcessing of information on consumer self occurs when one consumer receives sensory input in the form of stimulus. Stimulus can be shaped Garudafood products, brand names, packaging, advertising, name of manufacturer (PT Garuda Food). Ads for various products Garudafood which aired on television is a specially designed by marketers to attract consumers, so consumers want to listen to and view these ads. It is expected that consumers love the product and then buy products from Garudafood.Information processing stage of exposure, attention, understanding, acceptance and retention. Manufacturer (PT Garuda Food) want to do updates its popular product packaging design, but do not want to lose the distinctive symbol of the garuda's head and plants that have been known for many years by consumers.One purpose of advertising is to help consumers' ability to recall information from memory. Consumers easier to remember the message in the form of a song than just words. As an example ad Garuda Ting Ting "Ting Ting is not candy, not a biscuit Ting Ting".
4. Consumer AwarenessConsumer knowledge is very influential in purchasing decisions for consumer knowledge mengandumg understanding that all information held macamm consumers about various products and services and other knowledge relating to products and services and information related to function as a consumer.Mowen and Minor consumer knowledge divide into three categories:a.Pengetahuan objective (objektiv knowledge)Correct information about the product class stored in long term memory of consumers.b.Pengetahuan subjective (subjective knowledge)Consumer perceptions of what is known about the product class.c.Infomasi on other knowledgeIn this Food Garuda Garuda Food consumers buy products because it has:Objective knowledge that consumers find out good information from these products, so by purchasing Garuda Food products consumers do not feel loss. And of these products have a long-term memory that will be remembered by consumers because the products have more value in sales promotion.Subjective knowledge that consumers will menggaap that of Garuda Food products will give satisfaction to customers who bought it because the product is suitable Garuda Foood eaten in time to relax, get-togethers with my friends etc.. Information that consumers will, obtain product information that Garuda Foood guaranteed kosher and have a nutrient that is contained therein. So that consumers would be interested in buying the product.Peter and Olson (1999) divides knowledge into some kind of product if it is associated with Garuda Food Company are:a. Knowledge of product attributesConsumers will buy Garuda Food products because consumers have complete knowledge about the product that includes the physical attributes that describe the physical features of the product. For example, Garuda Food products packaged as attractive as possible. And abstract attributes which describe the subjective characteristics of a product based on consumer perceptions.b. Knowledge of product benefitsGaruda Food Consumers consume products intended for his hunger gone. Consumers know the benefits of the product is so highly influenced purchase decisions.Knowledge of purchase is very important for consumers because it includes knowledge about troko, the location of the product and actual product placement in these stores. Garuda Food products are very easy to get consumers because this product is sold in supermarkets, stores and even retailers. Garuda Food products produced for all the economy because the price is affordable and friendly to consumers.Knowledge of the use of a product will provide maximum benefits and high satisfaction to consumers, so consumers should know how to use it and consume it properly.
5. Consumer AttitudesAttitude is an expression of consumers about an object whether liked or not and describe the attitude of consumer confidence on various attributes and benefits of the object.The function of attitudes and strategies to change consumer attitudes. 4 functions that marketers used to change consumer attitudes Garuda Food for products, services and brands namely:1.Fungsi utilitarianFocused on product benefits like product mendasri konsumenkonsumen for Garuda Food. For example: a consumer buy products in the form of Garuda Food Chocolates for pilus eagle or used as snacks in watching TV, so consumers will not feel bored in menonoton TV because of the small meals.2.Fungsi maintain egoThis attitude is very useful to enhance a sense of security from threats that would come and remove the doubts that exist within ourselves better to improve self-image and cope with threats from outside. For example: Consumers have a sense of worry if you only consume Okky Jelly Drink will feel hungry, consumers must mel; cloud of fear and maintain a sense of her ego. Providing know that Okky Jelly Drink is a product Garuda Food as procrastinators hunger.3.Fungsi expression valuesTo express the values ​​of social lifestyle and identify a person. For example: Garuda Food Chocolatos a product and the brand membeikan terkegembiraan meaning and pleasure.4.Fungsi knowledgeCuriosity is ken \ needs of consumers, consumers should know before membelu product. By having a good knowledge peroduk then encourage consumers to like these produkm. With the ikklan which aired on TV on Garuda Food products, then consumers have a curiosity about the product and eliminate the curiosity of consumers buying products tersebuit Garuda Food6. CultureCulture is all the values, ideas, symbols that affect the behavior of attitudes, beliefs and habits of a person and society. cultural meanings are usually created by someone in a small group on a broader level, government, social institutions, religious institutions and companies. Mosalnya on Garuda Food particular product brand Chocolatos considered when consuming these products seemed to be in Italy.Unsus-cultural elements contained in the product is the value Garuda Food is something that is considered important by the community or individual.Popular culture that affect Garuda Food products are advertising because the ads adsanya consumers can see how the enjoyment of Garuda Food products using well-known artist that creates a feeling of want to eat the product and then try to buy it.Television is a medium created by popular culture and television is a perfect medium to promote products Garuda Food. Culture and marketing strategy of understanding about the culture of a society and the nation will provide inspiration about the products needed by consumers.Cultural values ​​contained in the products Garuda Food is togetherness, because Garuda Food products can be enjoyed by the whole family.

Garudafood as a company engaged in the snack food industry has the mission to provide satisfaction to customers by creating products and quality services in accordance with the desired expectations of consumers with respect to economic and social demographic characteristics of consumers.GarudaFood makanana produce light that can describe the characteristics of Indonesian society where most like the type of foods derived from legumes such as beans Biga skin, skin peanut flavor onions, atomic local savory, sweet atom, atomic egg, spicy etc. atoms. Garudafood also issued a custom product tailored to the Indonesian community that must eat the rice with a rice snack foods pilus that has savory flavors, sweet, and spicy. This product is perfect for side dishes, combined with rice, as well as other foods such as meatballs, soup, noodles, dumplings, and other foods. One variant of cocol pilus pilus is shaped stick equipped with chili sauce to add pleasure to consume snacks pilus. Garudafood also consider the age factor, the age difference would also lead to differences in taste and preference toward brands therefore Garudafood also issued a product variants that can be enjoyed by children as Okky jelly is available in six flavors of fruit, namely oranges, pineapple, melons, grapes, strawberries, and lychees with Nata de Coco. In addition, the purchasing power of a product depends on how much income he receives. Seeing things like that Garudafood trying to bring snack food products with prices that can be reached so that it can be enjoyed in various layers of society.
D. REFERENCE GROUPReference group is very important in marketing a product in which the presence of this reference group can influence the behavior of a person and as a basis for comparison or a positive response to consumer purchasing decision.Garudafood not want to lose to get consumers' hearts by offering its products in various print and electronic media using a reference group such as a celebrity or expert or experts who appeared in advertisements that may affect consumers.For example, wafer stick product gerry cokluut which in an ad is played by a talented young artist who is on the rise that is being enjoyed gerry Asmirandah cokluut, of course, with the ad is expected to influence consumer behavior so that they also feel pleasure like gerry cokluut who felt his idol. In addition, there are many more groups of reference diinginakan by Garudafood order to provide information to the consumer about the advantages of the various products offered.Reference group associated with consumer garuda food is:Celebrities Garuda food here wear a lot of celebrities in advertising their products, it is intended to influence consumers in a more powerful. Examples mind towel, basuki, etc.. In promoting a product, celebrities can function as a giver of testimony, giving encouragement / influence, and also act as a spokesperson for the company.Besides ordinary people celebrities, garuda food also uses ordinary people as reference group. Ordinary people who were satisfied with the product in the ad will give a strong influence on other consumers. By using ordinary consumers, the company tried to present a scientific situation to potential customers that are like they've been using a product and raaasa satisfied with the product. Examples of the garuda food is advertising Okky Okky koko jelly drinks and drinks that takes ordinary people as an advertising medium.Trade charactersThe character is a symbol of the company's trademarks used in komunitaspemasaran. These characters function as consumer appeal. In the garuda eagle symbol and food used to grow plants, indicating that the natural product.Other amplifier as a reference groupMarketers often put a symbol or a sign of approval from an institution on its product packaging or advertising their products. Symbol provides assurance of the quality products that are recognized by the competent institutions. In garuda HALAL food make use of symbols and labels juaga permission from BPOM.
E. ENVIRONMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SITUATIONIn Garudafood menngunakan three environmental situations such as:Communication situationThe situation is a situation where consumers menperoleh information or communication or communication. Here garuda food utilizing television advertising, radio, internet, print media, brochures, etc.. No less important in marketing is a SPG. Where the SPG can communicate with consumers directly. SPG Kebaradaan sangt assist consumers in obtaining infornasi, can even get samples of products offered by SPD.Situation purchaseConsumer decision in buying food or beverage produ often done in the shop, because that information obtained by consumers when shopping partner influence purchasing decisions. Which is often used garuda food adalh time situation where garuda food product developed to save waktukonsumen. For example mountea guava, consumers are now no longer need to bother in the kitchen to make guava juice because now there mountea containing tea + pink guava juice ready to drink.Situation usageConsumers often choose products because consideration of the consumer situation. Likewise with food Garuda, one of whom wore situation terutaa Indonesian consumers who like to drink tea, therefore garuda food develop products with various flavors of tea drinks.
F. DECISION MAKING PROCESSA selection decision as an act of two or more alternative choice. A consumer who wanted to conduct the election then he should have the choice alternatf.Step-by-step consumer decisionintroduction of new product needs arise almost every day, and advertised through various media by the manufacturers. Pemasara garuda food program will affect konsumennnya to realize will need.For example, a confused how to get a taste of tea with strawberry flavor, eat food eagle introducing these consumer needs with mounte strawberries.Search informationThe first step consumers is recalling all the information in his memory. What are the products that exist and how many kinds fariannya sarta similar products from other companies. Garuda foods provide such information through various media, such as tea products mountea, garuda food produce tea beverages with a wide range of variants, among others, a sense of guava, blackuren, apples, and strawberries.Evaluation of alternativeIs the process of evaluating options and selecting products and brands as the customer wants. There are three important attributes that are often used for evaluation, ie price, brand and product makers. In terms of brands, garuda food provides a suitable price with quality products. Brand garuda food is very famous and very secure because it is so often advertised on TV and print media. Products maker also no less fame is the garuda food which is an international company.
G. PROCESS PURCHASE, CONSUMPTION, AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTIONIn the sales process, garuda food using the distribution network. Garudafood products distributed by PT Sinar Niaga Sejahtera (SNS) which is the Distribution Division of the holding company. From the company that priduk garuda food distributed to the seller in both stores and supermarkets where consumers can obtain garuda food products with ease.Consumer products can be divided into two, namely durable goods lam and perishable goods. Garuda food produce goods can not stand night, here is fast food. For example, peanut skins, peanut atoms, jellies, pilus, wafers, etc.. Where the goods have expired and are very easily damaged.In a decision process, consumers will not stop until the process of consumption. Consumers will conduct the evaluation process of consumption does. The results of the evaluation process is the consumer poas or not poas teleh product consumption does. Satisfaction will encourage consumers to buy and consume the product back. Therefore garuda food make every effort to provide the best products with reasonable price. There was also a customer service that can be used by consumers if there are suggestions and constructive criticism.
H. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY TO CONSUMERSAlthough consumer needs and wants are different, but all consumers do the same thing that is consumed. Thus the producer has a social responsibility to consumers both in terms of product maupu ministry. Some practices that harm consumers turnover is a good product price manipulation, content (balance) without expiration dates. In garuda food that's all very well controlled. In terms of price the company has set a sales price to distribitor (SNS). The contents and expiration date are also all been listed in every food and product packaging eagle done by machines with advanced technology.One activity that is detrimental to consumer manufacturers are providing information that fool. At first glance given informassi feels right but if it be closely monitored to prove that such information is fundamental. Garuda food to give it all in every pack in a clear and detailed in each package persajinya.The protection of the consumer did not come from government alone but also come from the legislature as an institution that has the highest wewengang to make laws. Garuda food also has passed the test of BPOM and SNI, which is the official institution which is engaged in the health food.



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